CSE 22 Bishopsgate Video & Social Content Generation

When CSE secured the contract to deliver a state-of-the-art critical communication system to 22 Bishopsgate we worked with them and their client to create a video to showcase the contract.
The critical communications system designed and delivered by CSE to provide reliable communications for security and facilities management teams at 22 Bishopsgate uses the latest advancements in two-way radio and push to talk over cellular (PoC) mobile and Wi-Fi technology.
To showcase winning and delivering this prestigious contract we proposed working with CSE and their client, 22 Bishopsgate, to create a video to explain the requirement, the solution and why 22 Bishopsgate chose CSE to partner them. We scripted and filmed the video so that it could be used as a whole on the website and in shorter sections on LinkedIn.
The video has provided multiple benefits. Firstly, on the website and LinkedIn it showcases CSE’s capabilities to potential clients. Secondly, the fact that CSE invested in this level of activity has set them apart from their competitors. Thirdly, the video demonstrated CSE’s commitment and pride in the project to their client. Finally, the video was picked up by CSE’s operation in Australia who are using it to showcase the company’s capabilities to a wider audience and our PR specialist got coverage and a video share on a trade press website.