Make sure your opinions and views are incorporated in the Annual Manufacturing Report 2017 from Hennik Research. All of those who participate in the survey will receive a copy of the published final report (worth £195).
Hennik Research are encouraging participants to answer all relevant questions in order to achieve sounder conclusions regarding the present and future position of the UKs industrial sectors and the significant issues affecting the nation’s manufacturing industry. The report covers a diverse range of areas:
- Economy, Prospects; Strategy &Risk
- Finance
- Skills & Training
- Automation & Productivity
- Manufacturing Services
- 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing
- The Connected / Smart Factory
There are 8 different sections approximately taking 5 minutes each to complete. Answer all relevant sections and complete as many sections as you would like to make sure your opinions and views are heard.
A selection of previous findings from Hennik Research – 2016 Report
Automation & Productivity
Skills and Training
Economy, Policy & Growth
You can view the full report courtesy of view report here