Brand Development Generate awareness of your products or services Get people into your sales funnel Generate new hot leads New Customer Acquisition Customer Retention & Growth Keep your brand infront of customers so they continue to use you and not your competitors Reinfource why you are the best choice Hi-light other services you offer that your current customers dont use or buy Keep your brand infront of customers so they continue to use you and not your competitors Reinfource why you are the best choice Hi-light other services you offer that your current customers dont use or buy READ MORE READ MORE

Whether it’s representing a well-established company or a new product, considered positioning and well executed branding will ensure stand out from the competition and create a positive impression amongst the people who matter.

Brand Development Clarifying what makes your company and brand uniquely relevant Identifying who you need to gain the attention of and impress Projecting you as the company you want to be What we do

Whether it’s representing a well-established company or a new product, considered positioning and well executed branding will ensure stand out from the competition and create a positive impression amongst the people who matter.


To lay a solid foundation for brand development we will work with you to thoroughly explore the parameters of what is required – understand where you are currently at, your products and services, competitive context, target audiences and your proposition – to create a shared understanding of what we are aiming to achieve together.


From evolving an admired and trusted brand to creating new brands we can create and implement fresh identities consistent with what you want to convey, where you want to position yourself in the market and shape the way you are perceived in practical and emotional terms.


From working with you to create insightful content that achieves coverage in strategic media channels where it informs and enhances perception of your brand, to identifying and organising shows and events we can use PR to raise your profile positively.


We can create or evolve the structure, design and content of your website to reflect the values and personality of your brand and appeal to your target audiences.


When you need to be able to succinctly convey what you do in a way designed to impress, we can script and produce a corporate video for you that will increase awareness of what you do, shift perception of your company and set you apart from your competitive set.

Email us It's free to give us a call or drop us a message. Better still let us come and see what you do. Call us on 01892 539977
We're all about keeping things simple and friendly here at Sugar, browsing our site gives you a glimpse of what we do but I believe the best way to help you is through real conversations.

It's free to give us a call or drop us a message. Better still let us come and see what you do. Call us on 01892 539977 We're all about keeping things simple and friendly here at Sugar, browsing our site gives you a glimpse of what we do but I believe the best way to help you is through real conversations. Email us